Cheryl Salmon

Helping Individuals Take Their Wellness to the Next Level

Thank you so much for stopping by...I can't wait to share my passion of health and wellness with you!



I am passionate about achieving optimum health and wellness using nature's best tools. I love to dive in deep to research the best possible methods and products for my body. That's how I came across DoTerra Essential Oils. They were exactly what I was looking for, 100% pure, not altered, diluted, or polluted in any way. Just pure essential oil, nature's power at it's best. Partner that with Yoga, Ayurveda and Herbs and you have my particular brand of crazy!! I love helping others find their own specific set of tools and set up a strategy, to best support their health and wellness. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and passion with you!!!

Featured Posts

Why I no longer strive to be Perfect

Oct 24, 2018 | No Comments

I have had a fair amount of experience with perfectionism in my life.  I have a father who is very particular about how things should be done, and I adopted that mindset in my own life. For a time.  I remember distinctly having a conversation with my hubby one day when we were building a […]

Essential Travel Tips

Oct 2, 2018 | No Comments

I love to travel, and I really try hard to travel light.  However I need to make sure that I am bringing the essentials I need to keep myself happy and healthy.  I don’t know about you but I would prefer to avoid jet-lag or the post travel tummy upset that inevitably happens because it’s […]

Finding Balance

Jun 8, 2018 | No Comments

Balance is an elusive concept sometimes.  It’s like having multiple tops and I have to keep them all spinning.  There’s the children top, husband top, business top, housework top, yardwork top, and the list goes on.  I get focused on one top, making sure its not wobbly and spinning smoothly and another falls over.  Ever […]

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